Teh [Chase GoodWorks!] volunteers!

PHILIPPINES: JP Morgan Volunteers Endure Heat and Rain to Help Those in Need

Volunteers from JP Morgan Chase, Manila, along with our deployment partners World Vision and Habitat for Humanity, endured pouring rain and scorching heat to help bring clean water and hygiene education to the children of Dayap and Concepcion Elementary Schools in Caluan and Malabon in the Philippines this week. At times the conditions were tough, but the volunteers continued tirelessly. Thanks to the volunteers, and the amazing efforts of World Vision and Habitat for Humanity, the end result was four Planet Water AquaTowers that will bring clean, safe water to more than 4,000 children, along with a comprehensive Water-Health & Hygiene education program. “Knowing the difficulty of drinking unclean water daily is by all means, greater than the bad weather we encountered. It was a well-spent day for all of us,” said JP Morgan’s Jake Armocilla. Another volunteer, Jared Baliguat, explained his day as, “…very fulfilling. It was another opportunity to give back to the community and to somehow make a difference in the lives of others, in my own little way. I’m looking forward to more projects and volunteer activities with Planet Water.” A huge thank you to the 25 volunteers, who are an inspiration and a great example of the JP Morgan Chase Good Works program, and the teams at World Vision and Habitat for Humanity, whom all so generously gave up their time! (source: PlanetWater, Facebook)

volunteers at Dayap Elementary School, Calauan, Laguna

volunteers at Concepcion Elementary School, Malabon, Metro Manila

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