
11, 284, 135th (Alexa page rank)
93, 478 hits (as of July 18, 22.15 PST, Statcounter)
72, 223 visits (since June 12, 2006, Clustermap)
64, 750 unique visitors (Statcounter)
54, 915 visitors (annual average, Statcounter)
18, 200 links (Altavista)
15, 579 hits (annual average, Statcounter)
9, 164 backlinks (Yahoo)
4, 690 links (All the Web)
3,038 words (Website word count)
2,111 profile views (Blogger Profile)
1369th blogs post (Blogspot)
55 followers (Google Friend Connect)
50 sites linking (
3rd rank (Google PageRank)
3rd blog (and current, Blogspot)
2nd blog (Tabulas, started at September 2005)
1st blog (Livejournal, November 2004)

Happy 4th Anniversary "Jinjiruks." (since June, 2006), and 6 years as a blogger!

More blogging years to come!

4 Reaction(s) :: Milestones

  1. woah. astig..

    but why become Makoto Hyuga when you can pilot an EVA?

  2. mahabahab na din pala ang nalakbay mo bro...congrats

  3. @alterjon
    hehe, ewan ko, i kinda like the guy than shinji. pero syempre halos pareho kami ng personality ni shinji kaya i adopt his surname

    thanks po, more blogging years to come!

  4. yay. congrats. blog on! :D